Child Flu Victim
An obituary for a child victim of the flu. -
"198 Cases of Spanish Flu in Hospital"
An article about the number and state of cases of influenza in the city. The writer, backed by local medical professionals, assures readers "the worst is over." The article ends by reporting that a J. Richtig of the chemistry department is "holding his own very well." Richtig would later die of pneumonia caused by the flu on the 24th of October. -
"66 Deaths as Result of Flu in Ann Arbor"
An article about the current death toll of the flu in Ann Arbor, as well as the state of the flu among SATC men and civilians. -
"2 More Deaths As Result in This City"
An article from the Ann Arbor Times News about deaths of an SATC soldier and two UM faculty members, as well as details about the number of cases among SATC men. -
"Mrs. E. L. Whitman is Influenza Victim; Illness is Short"
An obituary for Dora M. Whitman, a local woman who died from influenza and pneumonia. -
"Instructor Dies of Spanish Influenza"
An obituary for Lorne Adams Collen, a chemistry teaching assistant at University of Michigan who died from pneumonia caused by influenza. -
"Another Soldier from Ann Arbor is Influenza Victim"
An obituary for William Kelley, an Ann Arbor resident and soldier who died from influenza while stationed at Camp Custer.