About the Authors' Contributions

Anna is the author of the Victims page. She created the item set containing the victims' death certificates, carried out historical research, and wrote the article providing an overview of the victims' lives. She also wrote the "Perspectives" section of the Project Description page and worked extensively on standardizing metadata, organizing the records into the proper order, and proofreading. Contact Anna at annamay@umich.edu.

Jaime is the author of the Suspects page. She cataloged the item set containing pieces of evidence pertaining to each suspect, researched the history behind those documents and images,  and wrote the article on that page providing an overview of the lives of the five selected suspects. She is also the author of the "Setting the Scene" background information on the site's Welcome page.  Contact Jaime at pjaime@umich.edu. 

Sarah is the author behind the content on the Correspondence, Newspapers, Political Cartoons, and Other Periodicals, Vital Records, About, and References pages. She also contributed to the "Target User Group" section of the Project Description page, the cataloging of items with metadata in the Correspondence and the Newspapers, Political Cartoons, and Other Periodicals item sets, background historical research, and proofreading. Contact Sarah at lundys@umich.edu. 

Taylor is the author of the Fiction page, responsible for researching related contemporary fictional texts, finding archival resources, cataloging records, and writing the interpretive text that appears below those records. She is also the author of the "Documentary Focus", "Consideration of Archival Focus and Practice" and "Criteria for Record Selection" sections on the Project Description page and the creator of the timeline on the Welcome page. Contact Taylor at fairest@umich.edu.