beef drippings
Yorkshire Pudding 1, 2, & 3 YORKSHIRE PUDDING---1. (To eat like vegetables with beef roast.) For 1 pt. of milk take 3 eggs, 3 cups of flour and a pinch of salt. Stir to a smooth batter and pour into the skillet around the roast 1/2 hour before it is done. Mrs. C. W. Wagner. YORKSHIRE PUDDING---2. One heaping tablespoonful of flour, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup of beef drippings, salt to taste. Mix the flour with a little milk, beat in the eggs with a beater, pour the drippings into a hot pan and mix the batter well into it. Serve very hot with roast beef, on the same dish. Mrs. W. J. Herdman. YORKSHIRE PUDDING---3. Two cups of flour, stir in 2 teaspoonsfuls of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoonful of salt, add slowly 1 qt. of milk, stir in 3 beaten eggs. Pour in the pan 1/2 hour before the meat is done. Dr. Mosher.