CFNC program book: Rogelio Martínez Furé


CFNC program book: Rogelio Martínez Furé
Martínez Furé and other scholars who went on to become major figures in folklore and Afrocubanist studies studied with León in a series of seminars on folklore and ethnographic research (Moore 2006). Rogelio Martínez Furé founded the ensemble with the Mexican choreographer Rodolfo Reyes, who soon departed. Ramiro Guerra, who founded the Modern Dance Ensemble of Cuba, did some work with the CFNC and was apparently influential in the techniques, but likewise did not remain with the group. Roberto Espinosa Amor and later Manolo Micler were the main choreographers during the first three decades.
Date Created
original program book: 1963; photocopy: 2010; scan of photocopy: 2020.
CFNC (1963); EK Batiuk (2010; 2020)
.pdf >>> .jpg
The page out of the 1963 program book by the CFNC with Furé's portrait and bio. The images in this program are in wide circulation but usually only the portraits of the performers are shown and the rest of the text and images are often discarded (see instagram and website collections dedicated to Afrocuban folklore). The book, however, in its historically positioned way tells a broader story about the production and complex discourse of Afrocuban folklore.

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