“I remember being very sick. I think it was the flu. And I had stayed home from school that day. And I'd previously mentioned that I really want to Nintendogs because I'd gotten the Nintendo DS like the Christmas prior. And I just had like two games at the time for like some horse-riding game and then some other random like, game and I had mentioned it like a few times, but my family was so broke so they were like, No, like maybe another time and you know, at like, 10-11 you don't understand like money and I would just beg my parents weekly but then one day, that day when I was sick my dad came home with the game and I don't really remember how we got it or if he just ended up buying a new for me, but yeah, it was just super awesome.”
“I liked the like dog walking aspect of the game. I don't know like the UX of pulling it up on the little map and seeing like, where you walk around town. It's super cool. So I like that a lot.”