
Browse items from different decades by clicking through the links above. Pre-1960s and 60s focuses on abortion access before Roe v Wade, and the 1970s to Now focuses on the impact Roe has had on abortion access.  

Newletter from Planned Parenthood of Mid Michigan's Fall 2002 edition.

Poster in support of the 1972 Proposition to legalize abortion in Michigan. The proposition was defeated in the 1972 election. The poster depicts Lady Liberty shedding a tear as her boildy autonomy is being taken away. 

Political cartoon of President Richard Nixon published ahead of the 1972 Proposal  B referendumn in the 1972 election. The cartoon depicts a pregnant President Nixon and asks "What if he were pregnant?" In the 1972 election,  Proposal B was defeated, and President Nixon was re-elected. 

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