Pre 1960s
Michigan Abortion Ban
In the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, it was very difficult for women to get access to abortions in Michigan. Abortions were only legal when performed by a doctor when the mother's life was at risk, as stated in the legislation to the left. All other abortions, performed or attempted, were illegal in Michigan as of 1931. Many organizations and abortion activist groups started in the 1960s and 1970s, meaning there was much less help available during this time than in the decades that followed.
Abortion in State Police Records
Below are examples of cases and arrest records from those who were caught breaking the Michigan Abortion law, either by being the one who attempted or had the abortion, or assisted with the process. At this point in history, women had to choose between letting their doctor and the government have full control over their bodies, or taking matters into their own hands and risk getting arrested.
The Start of Planned Parenthood in Michigan
Planned Parenthood's start in Michigan came from a Mother's Clinic in Detroit in the 1920s. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s offices were opening up in both Detroit and Ann Arbor. In the early 1940s, the Maternal Health League of Ann Arbor became the Michigan League for Planned Parenthood— Ann Arbor Chapter. The Detroit League also become part of the Michigan League around this time as well, filing a separate application. While Planned Parenthood could not provide abortions at this time, they could still support women and their reproductive health in the ways available to them, such as giving access to contraceptives available at this time and helping women with reproductive health and checkups (Planned Parenthood, n.d.)
Planned Parenthood Joins the National Organization
As described in the document on the left, in the late 1940s, the Michigan League for Planned Parenthood applied to be affiliated with the Planned Parenthood Federation of America to become official with the Planned Parenthood organization as a whole and the services they provide (Planned Parenthood, n.d.).
Understanding the Impact
From the time of the 1931 Abortion Ban until Roe V. Wade, getting a safe abortion in Michigan was only available if a doctor decided it was necessary. Planned Parenthood, now known for their reproductive health services and providing safe abortions throughout the United States, was just beginning their start in Michigan as an organization and was limited to what was available at the time. This includes having limited forms of contraceptives as the first hormonal birth control pill was not approved by the FDA until 1960 (Kao, 2000).