Works Cited

Archival Sources

  • John L. Kavanaugh papers, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan.
  • Lionel A. Biron papers,, GLBT Historical Society, San Francisco, California.
  • Opening a success, but the play died. (1971, October 10). [Clipping from Detroit Free Press]. LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part I (Box 22A, Folder 3), New York Public Library.
  • Spectrum Center (University of Michigan) records,, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan.


  • Alexander, C. (2016). Parting Glances: BTL and Me (Among Other Things). Pride Source.
  • Day, A. S. (2024). Collaborating, collecting and representing: queer independent archives and their connections with GLAM institutions in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Information Research an International Electronic Journal, 29(2), 246–252.
  • Rawson, K. J. (2009). Accessing Transgender // Desiring Queer(er?) Archival Logics. Archivaria, 68 (Fall 2009): 123-140.
  • Wakimoto, D. K., Bruce, C., and Partridge, H. (2013). Archivist as activist: lessons from three queer community archives in California. Archival Science, 13(4), pp. 293-316.
  • Wood, S., Carbone, K., Cifor, M., Gilliland, A., & Ricardo Punzalan. (2014). Mobilizing records: Re-framing archival description to support human rights. Archival Science, 14(3–4), 397–419.