
In general and especially since our collection revolves around identity, we wanted to make ourselves visible as the archivists behind this collection. We believe it's good practice to unveil the archivists and make their identities and positionalities clear. 

Sofia Frumkin (she/her)

Currently a first year master’s student at UMSI, with a focus on archival studies. Completed her undergraduate studies in political science at Swarthmore College, with a capstone focused on the political implications of same-sex marriage

Beck mallwitz (they/them)

Currently a 3rd year phd student @ University of Michigan School of Information. Researching queer information practices and the ways that information science interacts with queer theory and practice. 

Evan Gomish (they/he)

Currently a first year master’s student at UMSI. Researching how demographic questions in surveys balance diverse user needs with conventional approaches to data analysis.

Lauren Ulbrich (she/her)

Currently a first year master’s student at UMSI, with a focus on academic librarianship. She is passionate about fostering inclusive, accessible spaces within libraries and connecting communities through resources that encourage learning, understanding, and belonging.