Sofia Frumkin (she/her)
Currently a first year master’s student at UMSI, with a focus on archival studies. Completed her undergraduate studies in political science at Swarthmore College, with a capstone focused on the political implications of same-sex marriage
Beck mallwitz (they/them)
Currently a 3rd year phd student @ University of Michigan School of Information. Researching queer information practices and the ways that information science interacts with queer theory and practice.
Evan Gomish (they/he)
Currently a first year master’s student at UMSI. Researching how demographic questions in surveys balance diverse user needs with conventional approaches to data analysis.
Lauren Ulbrich (she/her)
Currently a first year master’s student at UMSI, with a focus on academic librarianship. She is passionate about fostering inclusive, accessible spaces within libraries and connecting communities through resources that encourage learning, understanding, and belonging.