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Terminology Clarification

  • LGBTQ+
    • L - Lesbian
    • G - Gay
    • B - Bisexual
    • T - Transgender
    • Q - Questioning
    • + - Queer*, Non-binary, Agender, Asexual, Aromantic, Pansexual, Intersex, Fluid, etc.
  • WLW - Woman-Loving Woman
  • MLM - Man-Loving Man

As far as the use of “queer” goes, we have taken some leads from the “Archivist as Activist: Lessons from Three Queer Community Archives in California.” The writers of this article use the word as an inclusive “umbrella word” (Wakimoto, p. 2). They state that they use queer because the acronym “LGBTQ” can be limiting in terms of representation, and leaves out people who may be “intersex, asexual, and fluid” (which is why we have included a +, though it is not the most straightforward presentation of inclusion) (Wakimoto, p. 2). 

We use both LGBTQ+ and “queer” in our archive, though the latter term is mostly relagated to the “abstract” section of our item metadata, where we analyze the contents of the letter and the relationship between the letter writer and letter recipient. 

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: queer is not a term that everyone in the LGBTQ+ community uses or prefers! 

Queer has historically been a slur used against non-heterosexual or non-cisgender people. The word originally means “odd” or “weird”; when first used as an insulting and negative term, this meant that LGBTQ+ people were “unnatural” for having non-heterosexual preferences. Oxford dictionary’s website, Lexico, states that the negative use of “queer” was first reclaimed by the community in the 1980’s (Queer). Though it is more widely used by LGBTQ+ members to self-identify, it still is used in the pejorative way!

According to an opinion article called, “A Former Slur Is Reclaimed, And Listeners Have Mixed Feelings”, feelings about “queer” seem to be generationally based -- more recent generations (Millenials, Gen Z) are generally more comfortable using the word than Gen X or Boomers.

This is probably because the earlier generations did not have the normalization of the word as a reclaimed term. They may be triggered or offended because it may have been used against them by heterosexual homophobes. Important to note: people are alive now STILL suffer from the word being used as a slur. 

The reason why the word holds positive annotations, is because queer people in older generations reclaimed the word, and thus readjusted the power it had over them. What was once hurtful is now something they willingly identify as. This doesn’t mean that heterosexuals/homophobic people cannot still use the word to cause harm!

Here are some first accounts of people who have embraced reclaiming the term, and identify themselves as queer:

More info about the etomology of “queer”:

*Note. Full citations to these sources are located on our References page.