Elizabeth Cushier to Emily Blackwell, Sept 14th (p5)


Part of Elizabeth Cushier to Emily Blackwell, September 14th

Elizabeth Cushier to Emily Blackwell, Sept 14th (p5)
The attacks have become much
shorter + less severe but I think
the eventual prospect for such
a girl is but a poor one.
The reason for rest being
decided upon is, that she was
always worse after any ex-
ertion, + all attempts to
[divert?] her which had been
made before I saw her, were
worse than useless. She takes
to the rest very kindly, + says
she enjoys it + thinks she is
growing better. I have labored
hard to make her feel
that she is ill + not [------],
which seems to be a comfort
to her. I am glad you are
not having the worry of it. I hope/ (end p.5)
Bibliographic Citation
Blackwell family. Papers of the Blackwell family, 1831-1981, Folder 187. To Emily. n.d.; includes letters from Emily Blackwell's companion, Dr. Elizabeth Cushier, from Mary Putman Jacobi, Marie Blackwell Droussart, and E.S. Minturn re: Harvard Annex entrance examinations., http://pds.lib.harvard.edu/pds/view/47593387 seq. 59

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