Elizabeth Cushier to Emily Blackwell, Sept 14th (p2, p3)


Part of Elizabeth Cushier to Emily Blackwell, September 14th

Elizabeth Cushier to Emily Blackwell, Sept 14th (p2, p3)
who has had [dysentery]. About
[E------][G----- ]. The case is a
very serious one. When I saw
her upon the day following my
last letter I told the parents
that it was a very serious
thing + they suggested consul
tation. So then Dr Thompson
was asked to see her with
me. He takes a very unfavor
able view of the case,
even more so than I did.
Thinks the best thing would
be for her to be sent away,
but decided that it is of no
use to insist upon it. The
family are fully arousd / (end p.2)

to the danger + are doing
all they can. I have a very
sensible nurse + no one
is admitted to the room
excepting the father mother
+ brother, + this only to say
a few words. All [--------]
on [--------] is prohibited, +
the pat. is encouraged to
rest + sleep as much as
possible. I have also en
-gaged a [mossiur?], I am
keeping her upon Hyoscyamine
+ Bromides, + with apparently
good effect, during the past
two days she has been less/ (end p.3)
Bibliographic Citation
Blackwell family. Papers of the Blackwell family, 1831-1981, Folder 187. To Emily. n.d.; includes letters from Emily Blackwell's companion, Dr. Elizabeth Cushier, from Mary Putman Jacobi, Marie Blackwell Droussart, and E.S. Minturn re: Harvard Annex entrance examinations., http://pds.lib.harvard.edu/pds/view/47593387 seq. 58

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