"2 More Deaths As Result in This City"


"2 More Deaths As Result in This City"
An article from the Ann Arbor Times News about deaths of an SATC soldier and two UM faculty members, as well as details about the number of cases among SATC men.
"Jack Rubin, member of the Seventh Company S.A.T.C., died yesterday afternoon in a local hospital of pneumonia following influenza. The young man's home was in Detroit, and his father returned home with the body yesterday afternoon.
This was the sixth death from influenza since Sunday. This morning the seventh death occurred, Joseph Richtig, an instructor in chemistry in the university, dying of pneumonia following influenza in a local hospital. Richtig and Collen, another chemistry instructor who died in the same hospital yesterday afternoon, had been co-workers on the campus and great friends. They were taken sick at the same time, and their disease progressed in about the same manner.

Some Serious Cases.

Officers of the S.A.T.C. report that several influenza cases, which have developed pneumonia, have reached a serious stage. These men are being given the best medical and nursing attention that it is possible to procure, and everything is being done for their comfort.
The number of cases of influenza among the S.A.T.C. students has reached 225. A large number of hospital cases that had reached the convalescent stage were removed last night to the State Street infirmary and to the convalescent ward in the old Michigan Union building. This was done partly because the hospitals were too crowded to care for new cases unless there was a thinning out of the patients who were recovering."
The Ann Arbor Times News
Date Issued
October 12, 1918
Newspaper article
Digital scan
Rights Holder
Ann Arbor News

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