Eleanor Roosevelt to Lorena Hickok, September 12, 1943


Eleanor Roosevelt to Lorena Hickok, September 12, 1943
In this letter, Eleanor Roosevelt complains to Lorena Hickok about her time in Australia. She is there to provide aid to the Australian troops during the war (WWII).
Who wrote the letter
Eleanor Roosevelt
Receiver of letter
Lorena Hickok
Date Written
...Australia is an underdeveloped country & I doubt if many people at home have any idea of transportation difficulties. The terrain in which those boys fight is also unfamiliar to us & unbelievably difficult. I do camps, hospitals, Red [Cross] services day & evening & see men who have either been in to New Guiney & come out with a shadow on their faces but a grim hatred of the Japs or few men going in to something they knew nothing about or are ill prepared for unless they have special training at home. There have been, of course in each big city some official entertainments but I only have one of those still left to do. At dinner tomorrow night in Brisbane given by Mrs. MacArthur. I've only done 2 radio talks which I prepared, one in New Zealand & one in Australia. There have been several 'few words' daily to my varied audiences. I begin to think the job has been a good one as far as these countries are concerned but for our own men I know F. should have insisted that I go to New Guinea & Guadalcanal or not sent me.

I have lots of information for the Red [Cross]. George Durno has felt responsible for me & I think he is satisfied. He has been very kind & nice. I didn't take the trip for pleasure & I haven't enjoyed it, but I am very well & it hasn't been at all tiring.

My love to you dear. I think of you & your love for travel & wonder if you would have enjoyed it.
Rights Holder
Columbian College of Arts & Sciences, The George Washington University
The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers Project

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