The Gaffield Children's Garden

Though the purpose of botanical gardens is closely tied to the work of scientists, botanical gardens are also spaces to be enjoyed. Some gardens, like the Matthaei Botanical Gardens, create smaller gardens on their grounds that are specifically planned and planted for children. At Matthaei Botanical Gardens, this is the purpose of the Gaffield Children's Garden - a place for children to explore all that nature has to offer.

Construction for this garden began in August of 2008. Below, you will see some pictures to help you to understand the purpose of botanical gardens aside from scientific study and how they are started. 

8/2/08 Gaffield Children's Garden groundbreaking ceremony at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. (12/55)

Groundbreaking: Even though botanical gardens began as a place to store and study plant collections. Today, gardeners and employees at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens plan special projects to give visitors even more areas to enjoy. These include specially-planned gardens like the Gaffield Children's Garden.

This garden was created with kids in mind so they could explore and see all that Michigan's nature has to offer. Construction for the Gaffield Children's Garden began in August of 2008. In this picture, you can see Mr. and Mrs. Gaffield and two kids take the first few shovel-fulls of dirt to officially start construction on the garden. (Source)

8/2/08 Gaffield Children's Garden groundbreaking ceremony at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. (08/55)

Bringing Plants... and People Together: Botanical Gardens serve the community in many ways. One way is by bringing flowers and other plants from the local habitat into the view of the public. Here, at the Gaffield Children's Garden Groundbreaking Ceremony, orange lilies are blooming and being enjoyed by garden-goers (Source).

8/2/08 Gaffield Children's Garden groundbreaking ceremony at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. (05/55)

A Welcoming Place: Today, anyone can go to the Gaffield Children's Garden to enjoy it, but kids are the priority at this garden! This garden was specifically created for a kids'-eye view with plenty of places to play and learn (MBGNA Staff). Kids can explore a lifesized birds' nest, a maze, and so much more.

Even though botanical gardens are places where scientists can study plants and the environment, botanists and garden planners are making sure that everyone feels welcomed to enjoy and learn from the gardens, too. When guests enter the Gaffield Children's Garden, they are welcomed with this wooden arch that was placed in the garden during the Groundbreaking Ceremony in 2008 (Source). 

Activity: Plan your own Children's Garden! Draw a plan of what your ideal Children's Garden would have. Would there be a playground? Places to sit down and learn or enjoy nature?

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