
The Story of Women's Basketball at the University of Michigan

The Women's League at the University of Michigan was founded in 1890 as a social club and governing body for female students. The League sponsored women's athletic events until the Women's Athletic Association was founded in 1905. 

Barbour Gymnasium, the designated women's gymnasium at the University of Michigan, was built in 1897, partially funded by the University's Women's League. 

Despite not having a designated gymasium until three years later, women's physical education classes were offered at the University as early as 1894.

Records of formal Women’s Basketball competition begin in 1902 with inter-class competition, just eleven years after James Naismith invents the game in December of 1981. On January 24, 1902, the “Senior Lit girls win first game of the inter-class basket ball series" (University of Michigan, 1902).