Indian Field Days
- Title
- Indian Field Days
- Date
- 1925
- Description
- Content Note: Indian Field Days, while an important place for basket weavers like Tabuce Howard to sell and market their work, were a series of events that subjected local indigenous populations to discrimination and stereotyping. Native peoples in the area were paid to wear costumes belonging to Plains Indians and stand by fabricated "wig wams" for the benefit of white tourists. Because of the often untruthful depictions of local indigenous peoples in the images from these events, we have largely left them out of our archive. This image is the exception as it does present an important role in the lives of female basket weavers like Tabuce Howard, Lucy Telles, and Carrie Bethel.
- Publisher
- NPGallery Digital Asset Management System, National Parks System: Yosemite National Park
- Rights Holder
- Public domain
- Subject
- Maggie "Tabuce" Howard, Mary Wilson, Leanna Tom, Alice James Wilson (L to R)
- NPS Region
- Pacific-West
- Traditional Indigenous Landholders
- Ahwahneechee, Miwok/Miwuk, or Mono Lake Paiute people (refer to the region as Ahwahnee)
- National Park Location
- Yosemite National Park
- Site pages
- Tabuce "Maggie" Howard
Yosemite National Park, California, 95389, United States
Item: Indian Field Days