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Women in National Parks

Telegram from the Executive Board of the San Francisco District of the California Federation of Women's Clubs Supporting the Raker Bill, December 2, 1913; Petitions and Related Documents That Were Presented, Read, or Tabled


Telegram from the Executive Board of the San Francisco District of the California Federation of Women's Clubs Supporting the Raker Bill, December 2, 1913; Petitions and Related Documents That Were Presented, Read, or Tabled
December 3, 1913
While most women's clubs who petitioned Congress argued against the damming of the Hetch Hetchy Valley, San Francisco residents stood largely in support of the dam. In their telegram to Congress, the Executive Board of the San Francisco District of the California Women's Clubs urged the Senate to vote for the Raker Bill, a bill to grant San Francisco the right to dam the Valley. Women activists in the Progressive Era often appealed to the special concerns of their gender. In this example, the Federation argued that women faced the water crises daily.
National Archives, Center for Legislative Archives, Hetch Hetchy Environmental Debates
NPS Region
Traditional Indigenous Landholders
Ahwahneechee (refer to the region as Ahwahnee), Miwok/Miwuk, or Mono Lake Paiute people
National Park Location
Yosemite National Park

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