World War I Victory Celebrations
- Title
- English World War I Victory Celebrations
- Description
- English CW: Blackface (1:39-1:47). Scenes showing huge crowds in various locations waving flags and banners, carrying symbols of victory. Kaiser’s coffin, effigy on stretcher laid out as for burial. Streetcars and automobile traffic move with difficulty - outdoor service - white clad nuns. View of city skyline and mooring lines of ship. railroad cars with returning soldiers - crowds gathered to greet them - greetings.
- Creator
- English Ford Motor Company
- Subject
- English World War I
- Source
- English National Archives at College Park - Moving Pictures
- Format
- English Film reel
- English Video
- Date
- English 1918
- Language
- English English
- Rights
- English United States Government
- English Some footage is possibly still owned by Ford Motor Company
- Provenance
- English Film was donated from the Ford Motor Company to the National Archives
- Site pages
- World War I
- Media
- World War I
Part of World War I Victory Celebrations