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History of the Inter-Cooperative Council of Ann Arbor


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  • Michigan Daily: "Pro-choicers to rally in Lansing"
    Michigan Daily article detailing plans for members of the National Organization of Women and Planned Parenthood to organize at the Michigan Capitol amid the Webster v. Reproductive Health Services ruling.
  • “Act Up! Protest a Bigoted Court!”
    Flyer announcing protest next to Michigan Union
  • “Harvard The Non-Homophobic Michigan of the East”
    Flyer announcing protest of UM Regents’ anti-gay definition of family
  • “Gay Rights Protest”
    LGBTQ protestors wear paper bags over their heads to protect identities.
  • “Gay Rights Protest”
    “GAY RIGHTS PROTEST: Student protestors covered their heads with grocery bags Friday, as they marched around campus to demonstrate for gay rights. Their hour-long protest was silent, but slogans on their bags proclaimed, ‘Let me out of the closet.’ The 12-member group briefly occupied the office of U-M President Harold T. Shapiro. Shapiro was out of town, but the protestors left a message: ‘We won't be silent anymore and we will be back.’ For more than a year, gay men and lesbians on campus have been pressuring U-M for a policy to prohibit discrimination against homosexuals” (Caption).
  • “Gay Rights Protest”
    LGBTQ protestors wear paper bags over their heads to protect identities.