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History of the Inter-Cooperative Council of Ann Arbor


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  • “Gay Rights Protest”
    LGBTQ protestors wear paper bags over their heads to protect identities.
  • “Gay Rights Protest”
    “GAY RIGHTS PROTEST: Student protestors covered their heads with grocery bags Friday, as they marched around campus to demonstrate for gay rights. Their hour-long protest was silent, but slogans on their bags proclaimed, ‘Let me out of the closet.’ The 12-member group briefly occupied the office of U-M President Harold T. Shapiro. Shapiro was out of town, but the protestors left a message: ‘We won't be silent anymore and we will be back.’ For more than a year, gay men and lesbians on campus have been pressuring U-M for a policy to prohibit discrimination against homosexuals” (Caption).
  • “Gay Rights Protest”
    LGBTQ protestors wear paper bags over their heads to protect identities.