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  • LGBT Affairs Office name change (2 pages), 2007
    A digital scan of a page of the Michigan Daily from September 17th, 2007, featuring two halves of an article about the search for a more inclusive name for the University's Office of Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Affairs—the future Spectrum Center. There was growing support for a name that would be more inclusive for transgender and other queer students. Some decried the initiative as taking inclusiveness too far.
  • "Living Outside the World of Sexual Categories" (2 pages), 2004
    A digital scan of two pages of the Michigan Daily from November 18th, 2004, featuring two halves of an article about the experiences of transgender students at UM. This covers the 2004 University's Report of the Task Force on the Campus Climate for Transgender, Bisexual, Lesbian and Gay Faculty, Staff and Students. This includes personal accounts from transgender students (Denise Brogan, André Wilson, Stephen Rassi) and information spreading awareness about the personal and legal struggles of transgender and transsexual individuals in general.
  • Union Circus Did Not Pay
    Despite its fundraising goal, the Union Circus failed to bring in the desired profit. "Adverse Weather Conditions" prevented afternoon performances, resulting in monetary loss. A partnering vaudeville show proved more successful and managed to cover the expenses.
  • Follow the Big "Peerade"
    A lengthy article describing the upcoming "Mammoth Circus" put on by University of Michigan students for the purposes of fundraising. The Union Circus was organized by Director Bert St. John of Detroit. Various acts, including dance routines, horse back competitions, a western stage show with "Michigamua Indians"(white men in brownface), a slide down the big tent's top, and a variety of unspecified children's activities. Students and people beyond Ann Arbor's city limits are encouraged to visit.
  • The Imperial Japanese Circus's comes to Ann Arbor
    Borrowed from an Evening Patriot review, the article claims the Curtis & Ogawa Japanese circus is a "very meritorious addition to the circus world". The Japanese performers fence, tumble, juggle, and top-spin. They are accompanied by a "large company of American athletes." The circus is described as the "only Japanese circus of the kind in America."