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History of the Inter-Cooperative Council of Ann Arbor


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  • Letter to Earl Peron from Unknown
    This is a very romantic letter from an unknown man to his male lover, Earl Peron. In it, the anonymous man professes his deep love and trust in his partner, and expresses the wish that they would have a lasting relationship.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt to Lorena Hickok, April 19, 1945
    This letter was written by Eleanor Roosevelt to Lorena Hickok. The correspondence took place just days after the death of President FDR, Eleanor's husband. In the letter, she grieves for him and speaks about her idea of what life will be like moving forward without him.
  • Letter to a G.I.
    This letter from WWII veteran Brian Keith to his lover and fellow soldier Dave was published in the September 1961 issue of ONE Magazine. Keith reminisces about their relationship, but the tone of the letter is bittersweet because the couple were not able to stay together. It is implied that Dave died during the war, and Keith has been missing him ever since.
  • Jack Bloch WWII Postcard
    This photograph of Jack Bloch was sent to his partner Max Gundy postcard-style, mounted in a paper frame that has been inscribed with a note. The photograph is black and white, and depicts Jack Bloch in his army uniform sitting next to a small alligator with palm trees and a body of water in the background.
  • Elizabeth Blackwell to Howard Blackwell, August 19th
    A short note from Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell to her brother Howard Blackwell. Dr. Blackwell is worried about their sister Dr. Emily Blackwell's health, and speculates about the nature of her relationship with her partner Dr. Elizabeth Cushier.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt to Lorena Hickok, September 12, 1943
    In this letter, Eleanor Roosevelt complains to Lorena Hickok about her time in Australia. She is there to provide aid to the Australian troops during the war (WWII).
  • Elizabeth Cushier to Emily Blackwell, September 14th
    Letter from Dr. Elizabeth Cushier to her partner, Dr. Emily Blackwell. Dr. Cushier discusses several patients she has seen, her struggles with home improvement work being done on their house, and expresses her excitement that her "own dear doctor" will soon be home.