First general manager of the Inter-Cooperative Council (ICC), the governing body of student cooperatives in Ann Arbor, Mich., who served the ICC for 34 years beginning in 1951. Buchele also helped to establish the North American Student Cooperative League (NASCL) and North American Student Cooperative Organization (NASCO). Before that he was active in the student cooperative movement on the University of Kansas campus.
Sample report card for proposed modern education. Graded areas include: daydreaming/reverie, gestalt perception, listens attentively--with third ear, follows directions unless better idea occurs, and demonstrates empathy/telepathy. Teacher's comments indicate that the school psychologist suggests remedial imagination.
Overheard projector slides advertising an appearance by Benjamin Creme, who lectured extensively on the coming of Lord Maitreya, the New Age Christ. "Drawing on the Ageless Wisdom and 20 years of experience, Mr. Creme speaks with authority on the emerging New Age and its social, political and economic order."
Booklet intended for parents of schoolchildren. Iserbyt objects to the Department of Education and characterizes its reforms as applying Skinnerian psychological priming to schoolchildren in anticipation of the twenty-first century world socialist government.
Dr. Dorothy Maver's keynote speech for the Global Education: the Esoteric Connection conference in Sydney, Australia in 1990. Dr. Maver was a member of the design team for a UN education initiative committee. Here, she advocates for education reform to prepare for the closer relationship with Shamballa which will occur in the year 2000.
Pamphlet designed to inform family members about the recruitment and brainwashing practices of cults and how to recognize the signs among family members. "We learned much of this information about cults firsthand, by losing our youngest son to a small, pernicious, local cult."
A booklet informing parents of "4 things you need to know to protect your child from New Age teaching." Buehrer characterizes the New Age infiltration of the classroom as a serious threat to children.
Two women and their brother have heard Constance's opinions and read her books. Headmaster to determine if material stays in school and if so, the women's children will not be attending the school.
Newspaper clipping detailing parents' objections to an elementary-school class teaching students about "AIDS, love, sex, and death." This class was introduced as part of an educational initiative called the Michigan Model. Parents also objected to strategies like problem-solving lessons and deep breathing exercises, characterizing them as "New Age."