Pleading for the Land An image of the first two pages of a newspaper article, 'Pleading for the Land', written by Dennis Holden and published by the Detroit Free Press, that discusses the Pigeon River Country State Forest oil drilling controversy, in conversation with Joseph L. Sax.
West Michigan Environmental Action Council News Flash A flier produced by the West Michigan Environmental Council advertising a public hearing about H.B. 3055. It encourages readers to come to the hearing, share the news, and submit messages of support. It also explains the bill and gives examples of other organization that support it.
Letter from Joseph L. Sax to Peter W. Steketee A letter from Joseph L. Sax to Peter W. Steketee discussing Sax's suggestions and clarifications to clean up the version of the Michigan Environmental Protection Act that was put out by the legislature. Sax also states his plans to meet Joe Thibodeau to discuss further. This letter was also sent to Representatives Anderson and Goemaere, and Bill Pierce of the U-M Law School.
Letter From Joan Wolfe of WMEAC to Joseph Sax A letter from Joan Wolfe, chairman of the West Michigan Environmental Action Council, to Joseph L. Sax, U-M Law Professor, inquiring about his interest in writing a draft bill for the WMEAC to submit to the Michigan State legislature and stating their main goals for the proposal to include. The author of the handwritten notes is unknown.
The Nature Conservancy in Michigan Brochure An image of the cover of a brochure produced by the Nature Conservancy to promote their work in Michigan.
'Pleading for the Land' Illustration A black and white illustration of a male elk vocalizing. The illustrations was used in 'Pleading for the Land' by Dennis Holler, an article from the Detroit Free Press (Nov. 9, 1980) discussing Joseph L. Sax's response to the Pigeon River Country State Forest oil controversy.
Planned Parenthood Serves more Spanish-Speaking Clients than Ever Before Graphic from Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2004 Annual Report
70th Anniversary - Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2004 Annual Report Timeline of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of Michigan's history in the state in honor of their 70th anniversary
Bring the Messages of the March Home - Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2004 Annual Report Photo of protestors at a national rally for abortion rights in Washington, DC.
Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2004 Annual Report Cover page for the Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2004 Annual Report
Bilingual Staff - Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2003 Annual Report An excerpt from the Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2003 Annual Report detailing the positive change in care after hiring a Spanish-speaking nurse
When Word Spread - Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2003 Annual Report A page from the Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2003 Annual Report that talks about the newly hired Spanish-speaking nurse at the Washtenaw County clinic
Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2003 Annual Report Cover of the Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2003 Annual Report
30th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade - Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2003 Annual Report A page from the Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2003 Annual Report reminding readers of the 30th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.
Advocacy - Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2002 Annual Report Overview of Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance's advocacy for the year 2002
Education Programs - Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2002 Annual Report Overview of Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance's educational programs for the year 2002
Medical Services - Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2002 Annual Report Quotes from PP patients about their medical services
Letter from Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance President/CEO A letter written by Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance President Robyn Menin, included in the 2002 Annual Report.
Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2002 Annual Report Cover of the Planned Parenthood Mid-Michigan Alliance 2002 Annual Report booklet
Options: Planned Parenthood Newsletter Winter 1987 edition of Options, a Planned Parenthood newsletter detailing plans to open a temporary clinic after an arson in Kalamazoo
Planned Parenthood Rally Notice A document describing plans for a public rally in Michigan in light of attacks on clinics by anti-choice groups
Michigan RCAR: Stories for Mother's Day Invitation An invitation to the "Stories for Mother's Day" event hosted by the Michigan RCAR
Michigan RCAR Cartoon Political cartoon about abortion rights and access from a Michigan RCAR newsletter
Toni Swanger Papers. Box 7, Folder 25, Scanned Document Group 04 Annual report from the Feminist Women's Health Center detailing abortion activist across the county. This report has details regarding the groups recent annual meeting in Detroit, Michigan.
Toni Swanger Papers. Box 7, Folder 25, Scanned Document Group 04 Annual report from the Feminist Women's Health Center detailing abortion activist across the county. This report has details regarding the groups recent annual meeting in Detroit, Michigan.