Rion Berger --
looked at the WRAP collection in the Labadie Collection at the Hatcher Library as well as Lesbian/Gay Community Services Newsletter collections. Rion also uploaded those respective resources. They took regular notes at group meetings and wrote the "users" portion of the project description page.
Austin Book --
came up with the name "Queering the Calendar." He contributed to resource finding and uploaded 9 of the Washtenaw Rainbow Action Project (some say formerly MCHD) records from the Bentley Historical Library. He wrote the "consideration of archival concepts and practices" portion of the project description page as well as put together this Authors page.
Latitude Brown --
created the timeline, contributed to resource finding and uploading (EMU Focus, EMU Closets are For Clothes), and organized pages on the site. Because Latitude had previous OmekaS experience, they were our go-to!
Allison Nicley --
contributed to perspectives in the project description page. Allison also looked at James W. Toy Papers collection and uploaded 13 records to the site. She also wrote the MGU's Holiday Gayla page!
Kendall Scarborough --
wrote the documentary focus of the Project Description page. Kendall also looked at James Toy papers and uploaded 11 records from that. They looked at Student Government Council, Affirmations Lesbian/Gay Community Center, Rainbow Law Students Alliance records (though sadly no records for the project were found in those).