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  • Circus Guide Book
    Found within the Stowell Stebbins scrapbook, this Circus Guide Book is inscribed with the name "Miss Catherine Clarke". To illustrate the upcoming events, a red clothed clown appears to burst through the guide's cover. An artistic signature (Yanning?) is printed in the illustration's corner. The contents of the book exhibit advertisements for local businesses, the "Minstrel and Vaudeville Show," and the Chicago tent company hired by the circus. Amongst the advertisements are descriptions of circus features, including clowns. An illustration of a clown in blackface accompanies the description.
  • “Advertisement for the University of Michigan’s Problem Pregnancy Counseling,”
    Add placed in the Michigan Daily newspaper advertising abortion referral services.
  • Neon sign promoting Fisher Body
    A neon sign sits atop an industrial building in Detroit, Michigan promoting Fisher Body, a popular maker of auto bodies and chassis.
  • WPA Workers: Your Credit is Good Here
    A rent-to-own store with a neon sign in the window, advertising available credit to workers employed with the Works Progress Administration (WPA).
  • Noble Pianos Advertisement
    A sign advertising Noble pianos that reads, "You Save $100.00 When You Buy a Noble from Factory to You, 903 Grand River Av. 1216 Gratiot." The sign is attached to the gate of a home.