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  • "Living Outside the World of Sexual Categories" (2 pages), 2004
    A digital scan of two pages of the Michigan Daily from November 18th, 2004, featuring two halves of an article about the experiences of transgender students at UM. This covers the 2004 University's Report of the Task Force on the Campus Climate for Transgender, Bisexual, Lesbian and Gay Faculty, Staff and Students. This includes personal accounts from transgender students (Denise Brogan, André Wilson, Stephen Rassi) and information spreading awareness about the personal and legal struggles of transgender and transsexual individuals in general.
  • Opinion on 1967 arrest of students for screening transvestite film "Flaming Creatures"
    A digital scan of a page of the Michigan Daily from March 28th, 1967, featuring an editorial letter from Professor John E. Powers. Dr. Powers of the College of Engineering offered a "critical analysis" of the "Cinema Guild Incident," in which 4 UM students were arrested in January of that year for showing the experimental transvestite film "Flaming Creatures" on campus.
  • The Need for Gender Identitv Inclusion in Regental By-Law 14.06
    A ten page typed document. This document contains the University of Michigan's motion to add gender identity as a protected identity under the University's non-discrimination policy.
  • “Administration Control: Get It Out of Your Life!”
    Flyer announcing rally against discriminative administration
  • “Gay Rights Protest”
    “GAY RIGHTS PROTEST: Student protestors covered their heads with grocery bags Friday, as they marched around campus to demonstrate for gay rights. Their hour-long protest was silent, but slogans on their bags proclaimed, ‘Let me out of the closet.’ The 12-member group briefly occupied the office of U-M President Harold T. Shapiro. Shapiro was out of town, but the protestors left a message: ‘We won't be silent anymore and we will be back.’ For more than a year, gay men and lesbians on campus have been pressuring U-M for a policy to prohibit discrimination against homosexuals” (Caption).
  • “Being Gay Still Isn't Easy Despite U's Liberal Image”
    “Cautious – This speaker at a gay rally against violence held in Ann Arbor this summer wears a paper bag over his head to protect his identity. Lesbians and gay men say discrimination at the university and in town continues, despite efforts to curb its effects.” (photo caption)