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Notes taken by the Michigan Abortion Referendum Committee during individual meetings with Michigan legislators.


Notes taken by the Michigan Abortion Referendum Committee during individual meetings with Michigan legislators.
During the beginning of 1972 members from the Michigan Abortion Referendum Committee visited the offices of every State Representative and Senator (both in Michigan and Washington D.C.), in order to ask the legislators to support a ballot proposal that if voted in would allow licensed physicians to legally perform abortions. The following are notations and observations taken from every meeting (both informal and formal) that took place pre-ballot initiative. The notations were reported to a Committee secretary and typed in order to arrange in file format.
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Open to research. Donor(s) have not transferred any applicable copyright to the Regents of the University of Michigan. Patrons are responsible for determining the appropriate use or reuse of materials.
Bibliographic Citation
Michigan Abortion Referendum Committee (1972). Michigan Abortion Referendum Committee records. [Notations taken from one on one meetings with legislators and later processed for official Committee records]. Michigan Abortion Referendum Committee Records (Box 1, Folder 37 Referendum count 1972).
Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Michigan Abortion Referendum Committee
112 pages, typed.

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