Ballroom legends pose for group photograph. Backrow: Angie Xtravaganza, Kim Pendavis, Pepper Labeija, Junior Labeija. Middle row: David Ultima Xtravaganza, Octavia St. Laurent, Dorian Corey, Willi Ninja. Front row: Freddie Pendavis.
Carmen Xtravaganza, member of the House of Xtraganza, is featured in the Village Voice in an article titled "Venus Envy: The Harlem Balls Take on the World."
The House of Xtravaganza is featured in the December 1988 issue of Vogue in the spread "Economy Class." In the background L-R: Mother Angie Xtravaganza, David DePino, Jose Xtravaganza, Danni Xtravaganza, Frankie Xtravaganza, and David Ian Xtravaganza. Models: Naomi Campbell.