Al. G. Barnes Big Three Ring Wild Animal Circus Season 1914 Route book detailing the 1914 season for Al G. Barnes Wild Animal Circus. Includes record of personnel, travel, and performances missed.
Route of Messrs. June, Titus, Angevine, & Co's Menagerie and Circus under the direction of Lewis B. Lent. Route book for the 1842 season for Messrs. June, Titus, Angevine, & Co's Menagerie and Circus. Includes record of some employees and record of their travel.
Clyde Beatty and Wallace Bros. Circus Combined Souvenir Route and Program Season of 1943 Route book providing information on travel, personnel, and program for Clyde Beatty and Wallace Bros. Circus season of 1943.
The Tour of 1897. A Daily Record of the Triumphs of the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth. Section of route book detailing the 1897 season for Barnum and Bailey's Circus. Includes record and some accounts from their travels in Michigan
The Circus Annual Season 1901: A Route Book of Ringling Bros. Worlds Greatest Shows Section of route book detailing the 1901 performing season for the Ringling Brother's Circus. Includes employees, official program, and some accounts from their travels in Michigan.
Season Route 1915 Miller Bros. & Arlington 101 Ranch Real Wild West and World's Champion Jess Willard Route book from 1915, detailing travel and personnel for the Miller Bros. & Arlington's 101 Ranch Real Wild West Show.
You Can Protect Your Family from Fallout Illustration of an underground shelter with the text " You Can Protect Your Family from Fallout"
The Kitchen Debate
American National Exhibition Plans Plans for the layout of the 1959 American Exhibition in Moscow
Michigan, 1859 A 1859 map of Michigan that shows the established boarders for Michigan that stay relatively the same up to the present time.
Michigan, 1840 A 1840 map of Michigan highlighting the recently acquired land to United States from the treaty of Washington D.C. in pink at the top.
Organic Design in Home Furnishings Exhibition View at the Museum of Modern Art, New York An exhibition view of Organic Design in Home Furnishings curated by Eliot Noyes at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
Michigan Territory, 1822 A 1822 map of Michigan highlingitng the seeatled areas of Michigan and the new border line running through Michigan between the United States territory and the indigenous tribes after the treaty of Chicago.
Michigan, 1835 A 1835 map of Michigan with red outline of the boundaries for the treaty of Saginaw.
The Upper Territories of the United States, 1814 A 1814 map showing the early Midwest of the United states. Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin were territories at the time.
Affirmations Reading Rainbow The Ferndale Area District Library in Ferndale, MI hosts a monthly book club for children 8-12 years old that also doubles as a social event for children. The book club is hosted the second Tuesday of each month starting this December and is from 4-5pm ET. The Ferndale Library also regularly hosts events for kids such as youth book clubs, tutoring help, and literacy programs and reading trackers for newborns, toddlers, and those entering Pre-K and Kindergarten. The book club is hosted at Affirmations, which is down the street from the library. The main library is open 10am - 8pm on weekdays and 12pm - 5pm on weekends.
MSU LGBT Special Collections Resources Within the Michigan State University libraries, there exists extensive collections, archives, papers, magazines, clippings, audio, and letters that tell hundreds of stories of the queer community all around Michigan. This resource is made for the MSU student and faculty community, as well as any interested visitor or researcher that can sift for hours through this vast collection through online finding aids, glossaries, guides and tutorials, or with the help of an outreach librarian. Librarian Eli Landaverde can be contacted at elandav@msu.edu. In-person appointments can be made Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 10am - 4pm through MSU's website (3 business days recommended in advance) or one can visit during open hours which vary by library and collection. Materials can only be used inside of the reading room and cannot be checked out. Further, MSU's library also provides services such as passport services, information literacy librarians, assistive listening devices, and motorized carts that can be used to move around the library's physical premises.
Sojourner Truth Black and white photograph of Sojourner Truth. The words "I Sell the Shadow to Support the Substance. Sojourner Truth.", are placed at the bottom of the photograph.
Circus Parade Through Flint (Gallery) Two images of animal parades going through Flint. The first is of elephants and the second is of camels.
Barnum and Bailey's in Grand Ledge (Gallery) Four images of the Barnum and Bailey's circus in Eaton County. The first is of tarps being laid out in preparation to set up their tents, the second is of a man in an enclosure with a large snake, the third is of buffalo grazing in front of some tents, and the last is of a resting man.
Wallace Brothers Circus Train Wreck (Gallery) Aftermath of the Wallace Brothers Circus train wreck on the Grand Trunk Railroad . Two images - one of the impact of the crash and one of mass graves being dug.
University of Michigan Giraffe Puppet A trailer with a cage being pulled by two horses. Within the cage is a man next to a large puppet of a giraffe.
Kohler Residence Interior Photograph of the interior of the Kohler residence.