Teenage Baseball Players at Jones School


Teenage Baseball Players at Jones School
This photograph depicts an all-Black baseball team at the Jones School in 1939. The Jones School, now Community High School, is described as an "anchor" of what was known as the North Central area of Ann Arbor, a historically Black neighborhood in present-day Kerrytown (Jones School, n.d.). While it was open, the school served as a site for food drives, donation efforts, and recreational programs for Black students living in the area (Jones School, n.d.). In 1963, the Ann Arbor Board of Education formed a 12-member Citizens’ Committee to study and provide statistics about the dynamics of race, specifically in regards to the racial composition of student populations, in Ann Arbor public schools (Jones School, n.d.). Through the report that the Committee created and released the following year, the Jones School was determined a de facto' segregated school by the Ann Arbor Board of Education and subsequently closed due to community pressure (Jones School, n.d.). More broadly, the work of the Committee spurred action to address segregation across the city’s school system (Jones School, n.d.).
People Represented in the Record
Creator(s) of the Record
August 1939
Jones School, 401 N Division Street, Ann Arbor MI 48104
Mapping Resistance and Community Action
This digitized copy is generously provided for research purposes by the Ann Arbor District Library, the institution charged with overseeing the care of the digital item. Copyright for this document is retained by the Ann Arbor News.
Rights Holder
Ann Arbor News
Ann Arbor District Library
Bibliographic Citation
Teenage Baseball Players at Jones School, August 1939. (n.d.). Ann Arbor District Library. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from https://aadl.org/N031_0052_003.

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