Rep. Tony Anderson (D) Head House Conservation Committee presents aware for Michigan Recreation and Parks to Genevieve Gillette and others at the Jack Tar Hotel. Gillette is the only woman in the photo receiving an award.
Genevieve Gillette speaks to a group of men at a conference. The back of the photo reads, "There were many more men than women at the whole [illegible] Conference"
From the back of the photos, "Presenting the deed to Conservation Commmission Chrmn, Joseph P Rahill of 60 acres of land on South Manitou Island" Featured are Genevieve Gillette, Paul Thompson, Robert A Bilsher, and Joseph P. Rahilly
A letter from Assistant Attorney General, Thomas F. Schimpf, to Genevieve Gillette inquiring about Gillette's opinion on whether or not the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority should place an amusement park within Kensington Metropark.
The dedication of Park Lyndon in Washtenaw County to Genevieve Gillette. Gillette is accompanied by an unnamed man and they are standing in front of the dedication sign.