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Anti-War Movement 1965-72 at UM


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  • Invitation to Protest from Faculty
    An invitation to a Vietnam protest organized by UM faculty with a schedule of events.
  • An Editorial from The Michigan Daily
    An editorial letter praising the success of Teach-in and urging more action to keep the momentum of the movement.
  • On strike! End the war!
    Article on the front page of The Michigan Daily encouraging students to participate in the nationwide class strike to end the war in Vietnam. It advocated that students boycott their classes and participate in workshops and discussion groups instead.
  • The war, the phones and you
    Article on the front page on The Michigan Daily explaining how to participate in a phone call campaign called Project Overload to inundate the Pentagon with phone calls in order to support the nationwide class strike happening on college campuses.
  • Bomb Scare: Threats Disrupt Teach-in
    Article on the front page of the Michigan Daily detailing threats against the Teach-in and it's participants, including a bomb scare
  • University Still Open–But Barely
    Article in The Post, Ohio University's student newspaper describing the state of the university after the student occupation of the library and firebombing of the commons.
  • Call to Action from the Union for National Draft Opposition
    Document describing a call to action for Women at Smith college to write letters to the draft boards asking for being denied "the right to register for the draft" alongside a description of the UNDO's purpose and activities at Smith College.