draft card protests
The Draft is Unfair A four page article from The New York Times Magazine detailing the issues with the Selective Service Program
The Michigan Daily Front Page, March 26, 1966 Front page of The Michigan Daily on March 26, 1966. Note the three articles written about Vietnam protests, including draft card protests.
'U' Students To Turn In Cards In Day of Resistance Protest The Michigan Daily news article about University of Michigan students' plans to turn in draft cards.
Call to Action from the Union for National Draft Opposition Document describing a call to action for Women at Smith college to write letters to the draft boards asking for being denied "the right to register for the draft" alongside a description of the UNDO's purpose and activities at Smith College.
Turning In Draft Card at Quaker Center Photograph of University of Michigan students turning in their draft cards at the Quaker Center on December 12, 1967.
Burnt Student Draft Card Photograph of a University of Michigan student burning his draft card.