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Urban Renewal and the Fight for Fair Housing in Ann Arbor

Unnamed Land Assessment Study of North Central Ann Arbor


Unnamed Land Assessment Study of North Central Ann Arbor
This unidentified land assessment of the North Central area of Ann Arbor provides context for the historical settlement of the region by Black residents, while providing ideas for its potential redevelopment. The focus on specific plots along North 4th Avenue connects with other materials from the period (see “Related Item(s)”) that recognize the street as a site of heavily contested meaning for the predominantly Black residents living there and increasingly encroaching forces looking to make a profit from the neighborhood.
Creator(s) of the Record
Unknown [possibly Harriet Fusfeld?]
Circa mid-1960s
For an example of where the city investigated redevelopment, this letter identifies one such example as the lot that included 633 N 4th Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48104, as well as neighboring plots 629 and 635.
Mapping Housing Discrimination
his digitized copy is generously provided for research purposes by the Bentley Historical Library, the institution charged with overseeing the care of the original document. Copyright for this document is held by the Regents of the University of Michigan.
Rights Holder
Regents of the University of Michigan
Eunice Burns papers: 1960-2011
Bibliographic Citation
Eunice Burns Papers, Box 2, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

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Items with "Related Item: Unnamed Land Assessment Study of North Central Ann Arbor"
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"What is happening to property in your neighborhood?” Flyer Still Image
Letter from Harriet Fusfeld Text

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