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Citizens of PLATO Digital Archive

Using a Computer to Teach Nursing (1969)


Using a Computer to Teach Nursing (1969)
Bitzer, Maryann D.
PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations)
Nursing Education
Computer-Based Education
Educational Technology
Allied Health Occupations Education
A report on using a PLATO maternity nursing lessons program to teach nursing students at Mercy Hospital School of Nursing in Urbana, Illinois from 1963 to 1969.
Accompanied by a 16mm, 11-minute color film "Computers Teach Nurses" published by Computer Based Education Research Laboratory (CERL) University of Illinois
ERIC Clearinghouse
Finding Aid
Nursing Publications, Hillsdale, N.J.
Mercy Hospital School of Nursing
Computer Based Education Research Laboratory (CERL)
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
A computer-based education system, PLATO (Programed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations), has been used to teach nursing students at Mercy Hospital School of Nursing in Urbana, Illinois since 1963. PLATO III, the model now being used in a maternity nursing course, has 70 student terminals (20 of which can be used at any one time) connected to a CDC 1604 computer. Approximately, 120 students have had lessons in maternity nursing via PLATO; 100 of these received the complete series of 22 lessons. The total time students required for completion of the series ranged from 28 to 40 hours. This compared with 84 hours spent in a classroom by control students. Student reaction to the computer varied considerably from one period of time to the next and from individual to individual. However, one-half of the students did rate PLATO as the preferred medium for learning (as compared with lecture, textbook, film, and television); whereas, only one student in 25 rated PLATO as the worst medium. The course was found to be suitable for student learning in an associate degree nursing program. When the course and PLATO equipment were transferred to the regular classroom the seven classroom instructors found them easy to use. It is desirable that teachers using computerized instruction change their role concept. (MF)
Bibliographic Citation
Bitzer, Maryann D., and Boudreaux, Martha C. Using a Computer to Teach Nursing. Nursing Forum, 8(3). Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse, 1969.
Boudreaux, Martha C.
Educational Resources Information Center (U.S.)

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